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Work Space
1.Which days of the week are you usually in the office? Check all that apply.
 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2.Do you have enough storage at your work space?
O Yes O No
If no, what do you need?
3.Is the noise level in the office appropriate for the work that you do?
O Yes O Sometimes O No
If “sometimes” or “no,” why?
4.Is the atmosphere conducive to productivity?
O Yes O Sort of ONo
If “sort of” or “no,” what changes would you suggest?
6.What else could we provide/do that would make the office better (in general)
Conference Rooms
7.How often do you schedule a conference room for a meeting?
O multiple times a day O once a day O once a week O not at all
8.How do you primarily schedule a conference room?
 Outlook  Salesforce  I don’t know how to schedule a conference room
9.Are the conference rooms available when you need them?
O Usually O Sometimes O Not at all
If “sometimes” or “not at all,” where do you meet when conference rooms aren’t available?
10.If people are using a conference room, how do you check the availability?
 Outlook  Salesforce  I don’t know how to check for availability
11.Which conference room is most difficult to schedule?
O Large conference room OSmall conference room O Both are difficult to schedule
12.Do the conference rooms contain all of the resources and tools you need to conduct and participate in meetings?
O Yes O No
If no, what are they lacking?
13.Do you utilize the open seating area near the Finance office / printer room?
O Yes O No
If “yes,” how do you use the space; if “no,” why not?
Work Environment
14.Do you prefer a more formal or informal work environment?
O formal – more structure and processes in place
O informal – more spontaneity and business flexibility)
16.If there was a space where people could work standing up for a period of time, would you utilize that?
O yes O no
If yes, select the frequency that best applies.
O daily O a few times a week O a few times a month
17.If there was a common area for employees to place bags, boxes, work materials so there was less in the shared areas, would that be helpful for you?
O yes O no
18.How often do you have external clients visiting you at the office?
O 1 day/week
O 2-3 days/week
O 4-5 days/week
Kitchen and Eating
19.Please check all that apply regarding how and where you primarily eat lunch/meals at the office.
 I purchase lunch/meals.
 I bring my own food to work.
 I eat food outside of the office .
 I eat in the kitchen.
 I eat at my desk.
 I eat in a conference room.
 I eat the chocolate from the candy jar.
20.If you bring food from home, please select the one the best applies.
O I bring food 1 day/week.
O I bring food 2-3 days/week.
O I bring food 4-5 days/week.
21.When I bring food, I use the microwave:
O every time
O sometimes
O not at all
22.Would you enjoy a communal lunch once a month where everyone brings a dish?
O Yes O No
23.Can you find supplies easily?
O Yes O No
24.Are we missing any supplies you regularly use?
O Yes O No
If yes, what are we missing?
25.Have we meet your technology needs to support your work while in the office?
O Yes O No Access and ease of use: printing / copying / scanning / faxing
O Yes O No Access and ease of use: wireless Internet / Ethernet connection
O Yes O No Access and ease of use: conference bridge lines
O Yes O No Ability to make phone calls using a Pivot provided cell phone
O Yes O No Ability to make phone calls from your desk phone
O Yes O No Ability to join/participate in a video conferencing session (e.g. Google Hangout or
If you selected no for any of the above, please explain why.
26.Which type of connection do you use most while in the office?
O wireless Internet O Ethernet connection O I don’t know
27.Which type of phone do you use the most to make your business calls while in the office?
O cell O telephone O I use them equally
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