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You are invited to participate in our communication survey.  In this survey, approximately 20 people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about our internal communication processes. It will take approximately ten minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is REQUIRED. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project.  It is very important for us to learn your opinions.  If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Phyllis Hodges at 615-532-4742 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
How satisfied are you with the State Agency's current INTERNAL communication strategies?
Completely unsatisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Completely satisfied
Email communication: I am satisfied with out current INTERNAL email communication strategy.
Completely unsatisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Completely satisfied
Email communication: I review my email in-box several times a day and respond as needed.
Most of the time
About half the time
Once in a while
Email communication: I feel overwhelmed by the amount of internal email that I am expected to process.
Do not agree
Somewhat agree
Completely agree
Email communication: I feel hampered by the current policy of having to get group emails approved. I could communicate with my region better if I felt free to send routine or specific communications.
Do not agree
Somewhat agree
Completely agree
Email Communication: I suggest the following changes in our email communication policy
Phone communication: If I need to communicate via phone, I sometimes have a problem reaching a staff member.
Most of the time
About half the time
Once in a while
Phone communication: I make it a practice to always return phone calls the day they are received.
Most of the time
About half the time
Once in a while
Phone communication: I make it a practice to check my messages daily when I am out of the office OR I have them forwarded to my cell phone for easy access.
Most of the time
About half the time
Once in a while
In person communication: I feel free to ask questions until I reach clear understanding on any issue or subject.
Most of the time
About half the time
Once in a while
AT&T connect: I find the AT&T connect staff meetings to be helpful.
Most of the time
About half the time
Once in a while
Are you aware of other communication mediums that we could explore? If so please list them and give a short description that includes how it would improve our communication.
I would like to make the following suggestions for revising or improving our internal staff communications.
* First Name : 
* Last Name :