Gift Studio User Survey-INFOCISION

Questions marked with an * are required
Infocision Staff
* In thinking about the calls you took during pledge drive, were the majority of your calls from donors who were …
Distressed and wanting to speak to a pastor
Seemed hurried and just wanted their donation processed quickly
Just calling to get information on something they heard on the air
Very interested in sharing their story and wanting to talk
Didn’t mind sharing their story, but wanted the donation processed quickly
Please indicate how often you reference the following information in ‘Coordinator’ when taking pledge calls for K-LOVE/Air1?
Never Sometimes Often Very Often
* Intro to Caller (Relationship Building Questions)
* Scripts for responses (Contest Only, Difficult Circumstances, Testimony, etc.)
* Donation Information
* Most Frequently Asked Questions (What is pledge drive/ What is EZ Gift?,etc.)
* Top FAQ page (About K-LOVE/Air1, Contact Info, Payment Options, Donation, etc.)
* Incentive Partner Info
* End Call Options
* Suicide Call
Aside from ‘Coordinator’ and ‘Gift Studio’, what other, websites, programs, or documents do you use to process K-LOVE/Air1 pledge calls or answer donor’s questions? For each, please explain what you use them for.
* How would you rate your experience processing a donation using Gift Studio?
Below Average
* What is your primary objective in taking pledge calls?
Convincing the caller to increase their pledge amount
Making friends
Convincing the caller to make a pledge
Having a pleasant conversation
Taking the pledge information quickly and accurately, empathizing as appropriate
Entering data quickly
Listening to the caller sympathetically
Reading the script and following the instructions
Entering data accurately
Prayer or counseling
* Which of the following information do you feel is missing from Gift Studio that would help you effectively take a call?
Information on Partners (Shoes for Orphan Souls, Operation Warm, etc.),
Knowledge about if a specific station/market has been fully funded
Additional Donor Account Info
Information on Challenges at that moment or contest/Prizes being given away
None of the above, have everything I need.

Yes No
* Do you read off the script verbatim?
* Do you feel the scripting helps you build relationships with the donor?
* Were you aware that there could be multiple pages of results from a search?
* Did you have any issues with the screens freezing or being too slow to load?
* Please think about the conversations that you had with donors calling in to make a pledge. Drag and drop the blocks in the order of how the majority of conversations flowed, not necessarily how the current tool is setup to facilitate the conversation flow.
Drag your choices here to rank them
    * Which of the following errors did you experience while processing pledge calls?
    Error submitting this form. Error has been logged
    Address Validation error, requesting you to double check the address with donor
    Don’t remember the specific error messages I received
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Did not receive any error messages while taking calls

    * Were you able to understand what the error was for and how to respond to it?
    * When multiple accounts are found using a search with the same name and address information, how confident are you that you selected the correct account?
    Not at all confident
    Somewhat unconfident
    Somewhat confident
    Very confident
    * Do you feel you properly trained for actual scenarios you might face when taking a pledge call?
    What specific improvements would you make in Gift Studio that would help you take a pledge call more efficiently?
    In case we need clarification on any problems you had using Gift Studio, please enter your agent id that you logged in with to take K-LOVE/Air1 pledge calls (ex. IMC123).