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Hello Nick is here,

I want to help you overcome your challenges, but first I need to know what you are struggling with, please fill out this survey to help me find out how I can help you...

It will take approximately 3 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary.

BTW.. all of your answers to these questions are anonymous.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact
Nick Mihailovic by email [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Are You currently in a home business?
If NO are you looking for one home business?
If YES how long have you been in the industry?
0-6 months
6-12 months
1-2 years
2-5 years
5-10 years
How much money are you currently earning online?
Over $100,000/mo
What is your actual monthly income goal? (how much money do you want to earn per month consistently) Now, I know we all want to earn gazillion dollars per second lol.. but what I’m looking for here is your realistic income goal. Please be honest.
More than $100,000/mo
What’s stopping you from reaching your income goal? (please select all that apply to you)
I don’t know how to drive traffic to my website
Information overload. I get bombarded with conflicting information and get confused.
I don’t have the money to start marketing my business
I’m too new and really have no idea how to get started
I don’t believe in my abilities so therefore I don’t take action on stuff..
I know exactly what I need to do, I’m just lazy to do it.
* If you could learn ONE thing that you believe would take your business to the next level, what would that be?
If you could learn ONE thing that you believe would take your business to the next level, what would that be? Conversions (how to convert traffic into leads and leads into sales)
I just want to learn how to make my first $1,000 online
Leadership (how to become a leader in my community and build teams)
I’m “stuck” at $1k - $10k monthly income and I want to breakthrough to the next level
I’m “stuck” at $10k - $50k monthly income and I want to breakthrough to the next level
Traffic Generation (how to get lots of targeted visitors to my site consistently)
If you KNEW you couldn’t fail - realistically, how much money could you invest on building your online business?
$100 - $1000
$1,000 - $5,000
$5,000 - $10,000
$10,000 - (whatever it takes)
What type of trainings do you prefer?
Powerpoint slides
Whiteboard (where I’m showing you stuff on whiteboard)
Computer screen sharing (where you see my computer screen as I do stuff)
Freestyle (a combination of everything)
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