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Age, Gender, Location For e.x.( 35, Male, Manchester)
What types of gambling do you regularly take part in
Slot/Gaming Machines (Online)
Video Poker (Online)
Sports Betting and Horseracing (Online)
Poker (Online)
Blackjack (Online)
Roulette (Online)
Lottery (Online)
Bingo (Online)
Informal betting (e.g. with friends and colleagues) (Online)
Betting on video games (Online)
Slot/Gaming Machines (Offline)
Video Poker (Offline)
Sports Betting and Horseracing (Offline)
Poker (Offline)
Blackjack (Offline)
Roulette (Offline)
Lottery (Offline)
Bingo (Offline)
Informal betting (e.g. with friends and colleagues) (Offline)
Betting on video games (Offline)

If you had just lost a significant sum of money when gambling online which of the
following would be the most likely outcome:
I would spend less money gambling
I would spend more money gambling
My spending would remain unaffected
On average, how often do you gamble on the Internet?
2-­3 times per day
Once a day
2-­3 times per week
Once a week
2­-3 times per month
Once a month
2­-3 times per year
What aspects of Internet gambling are most likely to increase the level of harm experienced by a player?
How would you rate the following sites with regards social responsibility? *NB Social responsibility relates to how honest the operator is with the customer; the extent you feel the operator has your well­being at heart; the extent you think the operator provides tools and information to help you manage how much you spend; and generally provides an open, transparent and fair gambling environment. Please only rate those sites that you have used.
Very Irresponsible Quite Irresponsible Quite responsible Very responsible Don't Know
William Hill
Victor Chandler
Sporting Bet
Full Tilt
To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding your perceptions of how fair gambling websites are?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Online gambling sites have  an on/off switch that can turn 
the software in favour of the operator
Online gambling software is fair
Online random number generators are used to determine theoutcome of games
Terms and conditions for bonuses are clearly communicated
Terms and conditions are necessary to ensure some players do not abuse the bonus system
Internet gambling sites are open and honest regarding the terms of conditions of gambling on their site
The main priority for customer service staff is to keep customers happy so they keep spending money
Play­for­free versions of a game should be exactly the same as the real version
Gambling operators should not design games using characteristics they know to be addictive
Reducing the risk in a game will make a game boring
Having detailed information on my gaming and betting choices is useful
A gambling game CANNOT be low risk and fun to play at the same time
To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding how you manage your own gambling activity?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
I have been informed of the importance of responsible gambling by each site I use
I have been encouraged to set a responsible credit limit on each site I use
As a player I would like to receive information about how I play
I should get information about how I play regardless of whether or not I request it
Player statements or transaction histories are easy to find onthe sites I use
Having detailed information on how much money I have spent would be useful
Having detailed information on how much time I have spent would be useful
Information providing support for those worried about their gambling should be placed in a prominent position on the website
Internet gambling websites should provide options for players to limit how much money they can spend
Providing limits for players will never work because players can simply move to another site where they currently have no limits imposed
If I reached a selfimposed limit I would NOT immediately switch and continue playing at another site
I would welcome being approached if a gambling operator thought I had a problem with my gambling
Information on responsible gambling is covered sufficiently during the registration process
I feel confident about where to find information on responsible gambling
Please state to what extent you agree with the following statements about why you gamble on the Internet:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
To relax
Its Exciting
To relieve boredom
To win money
To socialise
To take my mind off other things
To earn income
To compete with others (e.g. bookmaker, other gamblers)
To vent aggression in a socially acceptable way
It's fun
To be mentally challenged
To do something I enjoy for a change
To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding codes of conduct of gambling websites?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongle Agree
Age verification is effective ensuring only those over 18 can play
It is easy to get around the self exclusion system for any one site (self exclusion being where a player requests to be denied access to a site for a specified period of time)
Self exclusion is ineffective since players can simply choose to play at another site
For self exclusion to work all sites need to co¬operate to have an industry wide ’self exclusion’ system
Internet gambling websites should provide information regarding how to spot problem gambling
Internet gambling websites should provide information regarding where to get help
Internet gambling websites should provide options for players to limit how much time they can spend
Children should be permitted access to play¬ for free versions of a gambling game
Gambling operators should hold regular meetings with regulators regarding how they plan to protect players
In relation to player protection and social responsibility, gambling operators should NOT be held accountable to regulators provided they are operating within the limits of the law Age verification is effective ensuring only those over 18 can play
Strongly Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Slightly Agree Agree Strongle Agree
It is easy to get around the self exclusion system for any one site (self exclusion being where a player requests to be denied access to a site for a specified period of time)
Self exclusion is ineffective since players can simply choose to play at another site
For self¬exclusion to work all sites need to co¬operate to have an industry wide ’self exclusion’ system
Internet gambling websites should provide information regarding how to spot problem gambling
Internet gambling websites should provide information regarding where to get help
Internet gambling websites should provide options for players to limit how much time they can spend
Children should be permitted access to play ¬for free versions of a gambling game
Gambling operators should hold regular meetings with regulators regarding how they plan to protect players
In relation to player protection and social responsibility, gambling operators should NOT be held accountable to regulators provided they are operating within the limits of the law