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Community Pharmacy Strategy Pharmacists

Qatar Community Pharmacy Strategy Survey
Exit Survey

You are invited to participate in our survey being undertaken to inform the Community Pharmacy Strategy, Project 1.6 of the Qatar National Health Strategy. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

It is very important for us to learn your opinions. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw from the survey at any point.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Daniel Whitehead from the Community Pharmacy Project Team at +974-4410-1610.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Highest Education Level?
BPharm, BSc or BSc (Pharm)
Age Group?
Country of highest pharmacy degree?
Position Title?
Sr. Pharmacist
Years of pharmacy experience
Less than 5 6 to 10 years 11 to 15 16 to 20 More than 20 years
In Qatar
* Pharmacy Practice Location
Private Retail Pharmacy
Private Clinic
Government Clinic (i.e. PHCC)
Government Hospital (e.g. Hamad General Hospital)
What is the extent of your agreement with the following statements?
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
* The range and types of medicines available in my pharmacy are adequate
* Shortages of medicines in my pharmacy are uncommon
* Patients do not have to wait long to obtain their medicines
* There are sufficient pharmacies in Qatar to meet patient demand for medicines
* There are sufficient pharmacists in my pharmacy to meet patient demand for medicines
* My pharmacy could handle a 30% increase in demand without disruption
* What are the most common medicines you dispense?

Please select up to 5:
Topical Drugs
Respiratory Agents
Vitamins & Minerals
Cardiovascular Agents
Hormonal Agents (examples include contraceptives and thyroid preparations)
Gastrointestinal Agents
Central Nervous System Agents (examples include anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, migraine)

* Are there any specific medicines requested by patients that are not available in your pharmacy?
Since you have indicated that some required medications are not available in your pharmacy, would you mind telling us which ones (i.e. which classes of medicines)?
* What are the main factors you believe customers consider when choosing which pharmacy to visit?

Please choose up to 3:
Quality of service
Knowledge of the pharmacist
Short wait times
Relationship with the pharmacist
Availability of drugs
Convenient hours

* Who are your main customers? Please drag and rank (1st to 3rd):
Drag your choices here to rank them
    * On average, how many customers typically attend the pharmacy to obtain medicines in an hour?
    Less than 10
    10 to 20
    21 to 30
    more than 30
    * How many medicines do your patients generally pick up each visit?
    4 or more
    * What percentage of the total demand for medicine (prescribed or over-the-counter) are for branded medicines?
    Less than 25%
    25 to 50%
    51 to 75%
    more than 75%
    * What percentage of your prescription medicine sales are paid by health insurance?
    Less than 25%
    25 to 50%
    51 to 75%
    more than 75%
    Not Applicable
    What is the extent of your agreement with the following statements?
    Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
    * Patients often ask for information about the medicines they are dispensed
    * The culture in Qatar allows me to ask the kinds of questions I need to provide quality service
    * It is easy to contact the prescribing physician in case of any questions regarding prescriptions
    * It is rarely necessary to contact the physician in case of any questions regarding prescriptions
    What is the extent of your agreement with the following statements?
    Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
    * Patients often ask for advice on how to manage common ailments (e.g. colds & flu, fever, diarrhea)
    * Patients often ask for advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle
    * I have access to the medical information I need to counsel patients on the medicines they are taking
    * Patients always answer my questions about what other drugs they are taking or their drug allergies
    * I could provide patientswith a better service if I had access to their diagnosis and medication history
    What are the most common reasons for contacting the prescriber?

    Please drag and rank(1st to 4th):
    Drag your choices here to rank them
      If you could provide the following additional services, how likely do you think your customers would be to use them?
      Very likely Likely Unlikely
      * Medication review and counseling (i.e. how to use their medicines, potential side effects, managing allergies to medicines, when to call the doctor)
      * Support with smoking cessation
      * Support with weight control
      * Screening for Diabetes
      * Screening for Hypertension
      * Screening for Hypercholesterolemia
      * Screening for Cardiac disease
      * Screening for Cancer
      * Monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar or blood cholesterol (after receiving treatments from the doctor)
      * Immunizations
      * Management of Diabetes
      * Management of Asthma
      * Management of Hypertension
      * Management of Obesity
      What is the extent of your agreement with the following statements?
      Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable
      * Providing these additional services to customers would require additional staff
      * Providing these additional services in a private area away from other customers would require additional physical space
      * I am willing to take more training to provide these additional services to customers
      * I have the support of company management to provide these additional services to customers
      What do you believe are some of the barriers that prevent you from providing these types of services in your pharmacy?
      Not usually a barrier Somewhat of a barrier A strong barrier
      * Lack of time to offer service
      * Shortage of pharmacists/staff
      * Lack of patient demand and acceptance
      * Lack of appropriate knowledge/skills by pharmacist
      * Lack of financial reward from services
      * Doctors do not recognize pharmacist skills in enhanced pharmacy services
      * Legal and regulatory constraints
      * In which of the above areas would you be interested in having more training or certification?

      Select all that apply.
      Medication review and counseling
      Support for smoking cessation and weight control
      Screenings for diabetes, hypertension, cancer
      Monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol
      Management of chronic conditions