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Thank you for your time today. As we mentioned in the email, we are doing a survey about how and where people shop for their children. We’re not selling anything, and we would like your honest opinions on the questions to come. We respect your privacy and will not share your information with any third party.

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.


* Are you the person in your household who most often buys children’s apparel?

* Are you age 18 or older?

* Do you work for any of the following types of companies:

  • a retailer

  • an advertising agency

  • a research firm

  • a children's products company?

Thank you for participating in our research. We are interested in your opinions on shopping for children's clothing.
The first store I think of for children's clothing overall is
The first store I think of for special occasion children's apparel is
The first store I think of for children's clothing for school is
The first store I think for children's clothing for play is
* How often do you shop for children's clothing?
Weekly; at least 3 times a month
1-2 times a month
Once every 2-3 months
Once every 4-6 months
Once a year

* In the past year did you primarily shop for:
Girls clothing
Boys clothing
I shopped equally for both
Girl's age
Boy's age

If one of the children for whom you primarily shopped is a girl, which of the following styles best describes that girl's style of clothing? Please choose an answer based on the one girl you identified earlier.
Surfer/Skateboarder inspired looks
Athletic-inspired looks
Clothing with characters (Powerpuff girls, Cinderella)
Latest fashions looks found in fashion/teen magazines
Urban (loose fit, MTV inspired)
Simple, basic looks
Youthful styles (whimsical designs, bright colors, decorations)
Classic, preppy looks

If one of the children for whom you primarily shopped is a boy, which of the following styles best describes that boy's style of clothing? Please choose an answer based on the one boy you identified earlier.
Urban (loose fit, MTV inspired)
Athletic-inspired looks
Clothing with characters (Spiderman, Batman)
Surfer/Skateboarder inspired
Rugged, outdoorsy looks
Classic, preppy looks
Simple, basic looks

What style of clothing do you wear most often?
Ordinary, very basic durable clothes
Classic or traditional styles that never go out of fashion
Classics updated with a fashion twist
Vintage-inspired looks
Preppy looks
Bohemian-inspired looks
Southwestern-inspired looks
Youthful styles (low rise bottoms, slimming tops)
Fashion inspired by the latest runway shows
* Roughly how much in dollars did you spend on children's clothing in the past 12 months?

Approximately how much did you spend at each of the following retailers on children’s clothing in the past 12 months?
Upscale department stores (e.g., Saks, Bloomingdale's)
Department stores (e.g., Macy's, Dillards)
Promotional department stores (e.g., Mervyn's, Kohl's)
JCPenney and/or Sears
Babies "R" Us
Limited too
Old Navy
The Children's Place
Other specialty stores
Off-Price retailers (e.g., TJ Maxx, Marshalls)
Factory Outlets
Mail order catalogs or websites
How important is each of the following to you when choosing a store to shop for children's clothing.
Not important at all Not that important Neutral Important Extremely important
My kids ask to go there
Great value
Has the newest trends
Consistently like the look
One-stop shopping for all kids products
Offers coordinated looks and ensembles
Offers clothes ahead of the season
Well designed
High quality fabrication
Offers clothes for the current season
Not important at all Not that important Neutral Important Extremely important
Clean and neat environment
Offers unique products
Has something for everyone
Offers multiple style "points of view" and a variety of colors
Convenient locations
Everyday low prices
Offers good colors
Consistently fits well
Never goes out of style
In stock on sizes and colors I need
Often goes on sale
Has a wide selection of clothes my kids and I can agree on
Friendly sales help
Offers a brand or brands I trust

If money were no object, what store would you most prefer for children's clothing?

And at what store do buy children's clothing most often?
You mentioned that you buy most often from the Children's Place. What style or styles best describe the girls clothing you purchased there last year? And which styles from that store do you prefer? For this question and the next, if you purchased for more than one girl, please choose your answers for the girl you identified earlier in the survey. Check all that apply.
Purchased Prefer
Fashion casual wear (leopard prints, faux furs, etc.)
Basic casual wear (solid colors, basic denim, basic prints,etc.)
Athletic wear
Special occasion clothing
For which seasons did you purchase girls clothing at the Children's Place last year and which season from that store do you prefer ? Check all that apply.
Purchased Prefer
Spring / Easter
Back to school
In column "A", please check off the characteristics that best describe your most preferred store.
In column "B", please check off the characteristics that best describe the store at which you buy most often.
"A" - Most prefer "B" - Buy most often
Offers coordinated looks and ensembles
Often goes on sale
Has a wide selection of clothes my kids and I can agree on
Well designed
Everyday low prices
Consistently fits well
Offers a brand or brands I trust
Never goes out of style
Convenient locations
"A" - Most prefer "B" - Buy most often
Friendly sales help
My kids ask to go there
Offers unique products
In stock on sizes and colors I need
High quality fabrication
Offers clothes for the current season
Has something for everyone
Consistently like the look
One-stop shopping for all kids products
Offers clothes ahead of the season
Offers multiple style "points of view" and a variety of colors
Offers good colors
Clean and neat environment
Great value
Has the newest trends
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements when thinking about children's clothing.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
It is important to my child to have the latest fashions
If an article of clothing lasts a season, I consider it good quality
If I like a children's clothing item, I buy it regardless of price
I don't typically buy my child's special occasion clothes from the same store as their everyday clothes, even if the store carries both
I shop stores with a wide selection of styles and colors in each category
I always compare prices when I shop for children's clothing
My child's clothing is a reflection of his or her personality
I will wait for a sale before I buy children's clothing
My child/children drive the styles of clothing I buy for them
I take pride in how my kids dress, no matter what the event is
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The brands children wear says a lot about their family
Keeping my kids entertained while I shop for their clothing is a great way to get me to spend more
I am willing to pay more for better quality
Kids today ask for specific brands of clothing
When I purchase children's clothing, I tend to come home with more than just clothes for my children (e.g., toys, shoes, food)
I enjoy shopping for my child/children's clothing
These days, you don't need to pay more to get great quality and fashion
I tend to shop for children's clothes with my children
When I shop for my child/children's clothing, I tend to look for outfits rather than individual pieces
I tend to buy clothing for kids only when they really need them
My child's clothing is a reflection of my personality
I buy children's clothing of lower quality when the fashion is right
The following is a list of statements that you may or may not use to describe the different brands below. Please read each statement carefully and indicate which characteristics apply to each brand. Check all that apply.
Old Navy GapKids/babyGap The Children's Place Gymboree Limited too
For all my kids do
Old Navy GapKids/babyGap The Children's Place Gymboree Limited too
Timeless / Classic
Clothes kids like
Old Navy GapKids/babyGap The Children's Place Gymboree Limited too
Celebrates childhood
Always in fashion

If one of the children for whom you primarily shopped is a girl, how would you describe her apparel compared to her room decor? Please choose the best answer below.
Her room decor is more classic, and her apparel is more trendy
Her room decor is more trendy, and her apparel is more classic
Both her room decor and her apparel tend to be more trendy
Both her room decor and her apparel tend to be more classic

Which style of room decor do you most prefer for a girl's room?
Classic, timeless themes
Colorful, trendy, embellished themes
Solid colors, basic patterns
Using the list below, please check off words that come to mind when you think of the girl and/or boy for whom you shop. For this question, if you shop for more than one boy or girl, please choose just one boy and girl.
Girl Boy
Loves to explore new ideas
Wants to fit in
Does best in a structured environment
Conscientious of own actions
Very observant
Shy around unknown kids
Loves to read/write
Girl Boy
Great with numbers
Loves school
Independent thinker
Loves to dance and/or sing
Thinks before doing
Cares about how s/he comes across to others
Goes with the flow
Has own sense of style
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
My kids keep me well informed on their activities
Weekend nights are often for going out without the kids
We eat meals together when everyone is home
My family takes time to do things together on a regular basis
Before my child goes to bed, he or she reads or is read to
I let my children dress with the latest styles, within reason
I often get a babysitter on the weekend
I splurge more on my kids than I do on me
My kids often get the latest and greatest things
I want to prolong my child's innocence
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
It’s better to raise kids when an adult can stay home than when the adults in a household work full-time
Day-to-day, I care more about my child's appearance than my own
I take an active role in my forming my child's sense of style
Tattoos and/or body piercings are taboo in my home
Watching TV is a perfectly fine way for kids to pass the time
I monitor what my kids do online
Please indicate the approximate number of hours on average your child spends each week on each activity. Please write in number of hours per week for EACH activity. For this question as before, if you shop for more than one boy or girl, please choose just one boy and girl -- the same one you thought of previously.
Girl Boy
Playing individual sports (swimming, gymnastics, etc.)
Playing extreme sports (snowboarding, skateboarding)
Watching TV
Outdoor activities (riding bikes, playing on playground)
Listening to music
Playing computer/video games
Doing homework
Going to school
Reading books
Going on play dates
Playing team sports (baseball, football, basketball, etc.)
Surfing the internet/chatting online
Watching movies
Indoor activities (playing dolls, board games, imaginative play)

Just For The Record

Do you:
Own your home Rent your home

Roughly speaking, in what range does your total annual family income fall?
Under $25,000
Over $150,000
Prefer not to answer
What is your age?

Your gender?

Which of the following categories best describes your ethnic background?
African American
Prefer not to answer

Are you...
Prefer not to answer

Are you currently...
Employed full-time
Employed part-time
A student
A homemaker
Not currently employed
Prefer not to answer

How many children under the age of 13 are living in your household?
Four or more
What are the ages and gender of your children?

Place the number of children you have in each group in the corresponding box

# of children
Boys under 3 years
Boys 3-6 years
Boys 7-12 years
Boys older than 12 years
Girls under 3 years
Girls 3-6 years
Girls 7-12 years
Girls older than 12 years
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