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Bleacher Creatures

Bleacher Creatures
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Thank you for participating in this short Bleacher Creatures survey. As a valued member of the Bleacher Creatures community your feedback is very important to us.
To show our appreciation, at the end of this survey you will be eligible to enter to win a Bleacher Creature of your choice.
Have a great day!
How interested are you, and members of your family, in the following?
Not at all interested Slightly interested Moderately interested Very interested Extremely interested
* Other sports (e.g. NASCAR, soccer, UFC, WWE, action sports)
* Youth entertainment (e.g. Disney, Nickelodeon)
* Video games
* Movies
* Professional sports (NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL)
* College sports
* Comics
* Other than tickets to live events, how much would you estimate your family spent on products reflecting your interest in pro/college sports in the past 12 months (e.g. apparel, posters, other fan gear)?
Under $100
Over $1,000
How interested are you, and members of your family, in purchasing Bleacher Creatures?
Not at all interested Slightly interested Moderately interested Very interested Extremely Interested
* Have you or another member of your family purchased any Bleacher Creatures products in the past 12 months?
* How many Bleacher Creatures have you or a member of your family ever bought at or through a retailer?
More than 3
* What is the primary use for your Bleacher Creatures purchases?
Collectible item
* For whom in your household was the most recent Bleacher Creatures purchase primarily made?
Another adult (over 18 years old)
A child under age 4
A male child (ages 4-8)
A male child (ages 9-12)
A male child (ages 13-18)
A female child (ages 4-8)
A female child (ages 9-12)
A female child (ages 13-18)
* Please describe what you like about Bleacher Creatures:
Please rate the importance of each of the following attributes for Bleacher Creatures:
Not at all important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important
* Is a player I love
* Is huggable
* Has a realistic likeness
* Is connected to a team I love
* Is cute
* Where does your most recent Bleacher Creatures purchase(s) typically reside? [Choose one]
Dorm room
Basement/Rec room ('fan cave')
Child playroom
Office or workspace
Living room
Adult (over 18) bedroom
Child bedroom
How satisfied are you with your Bleacher Creatures purchase(s)?
Not at all satisfied Slightly satisfied Moderately satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied
How interested would you be in purchasing additional clothes and accessories for your Bleacher Creatures, such as hats, helmets, jerseys and equipment?
Not at all interested Slightly interested Moderately interested Very interested Extremely interested
How interested would you be in purchasing Feature Creatures, a new line modeled after characters and artists from movies, TV and music?
Not at all interested Slightly interested Moderately interested Very interested Extremely interested
* Into which age range do you fall?
Under 21
* What is your gender?
* Into which ethnic group do you classify yourself?
Caucasian or white
African-American or black
Hispanic or Latino
* Into which range does you household income fall?
Under $30,000
Over $150,000
Would rather not say
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